DeBruycker Charolais latest news...

News from : Feb, 2014

Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame recognizes DeBruycker Charolais

Wed 26 Feb, 2014

The Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame recognizes Lloyd and Jane DeBruycker for their contribution to the Ranching Industry. Recognized for 'Preserving our Western Heritage of the Ranching Lifestyle' Most of the DeBruycker family made it out to the Billings event! wife who cheated cheat how to cheat on my husband... read more on Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame recognizes DeBruycker Charolais

Some Charolais Facts

Thu 20 Feb, 2014

Charolais genetics yield the right kind of carcass and gain for the commercial breeder. ... read more on Some Charolais Facts

2014 CAT Cattle Drive Sale

Wed 05 Feb, 2014

Congratulations on the success of using DeBruycker genetics in your program! The top selling female was a full sib to CJC Mr President T122 ($14,750.00) sold by Mountain View Char, Clarkesville , GA and sold to Bill and Raye Arlitt, Poteet, TX and Rocking S Ranch, LLC, Bristow, OK. The second high selling lot, was semen interest in HF HiDefinition U08, ($13,500.00), an... read more on 2014 CAT Cattle Drive Sale

AICA, Charolais Journal

Sat 01 Feb, 2014

AICA, Charolais Journal Magazine features DeBruycker Charolais on the front cover! February, 2014 issue. Photo taken at 2013 bull sale. DeBruycker Charolais Bull Sale: April 5, 2014 We hope to see you there! ... read more on AICA, Charolais Journal

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