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DeBruycker sired steers put pounds on Longhorn and Corriente

Mon 11 Sep, 2017

I just sold my DeBruycker Charolais sired steers on the Superior video auction for $128 at 775 pounds. 

Now before you say “that’s nothing to brag about,” these steers are out of a Longhorn and Corriente cowherd. 

The steers were weaned for 10 days starting the first of December and kicked out on old straw beds and high ridge native grass.  They did not receive so much as a protein supplement and of the 105 weaned steers, one died and one got foot rot. 

I don’t believe that there is any other breed that can do as much to improve and balance, weaker performing cattle than DeBruycker Charolais. 

Thank you for raising such fine feedstock.

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