2017 Pick of DeBruycker Herd and full sib to JDJ Maximo A18 P
Thu 31 Aug, 2017
2017 Sale of Excellence Pick of DeBruycker Herd
The Cigar heifer was the 2017 "Pick of "DeBruycker Herd" from the Sale of Excellence. It sold for $13,500.00 to Bill & Raye Arlitt, Poteet, TX, Bill & Cheryl McDavid, Easley, SC, and Rick and Cindy Evans, Brownwood, TX The coming 2nd calf cow is also a maternal sib to both JDJ True Mark T39 and JDJ Resource Z365 P, herd sires for DeBruycker Charolais, and the buyers listed. The Resource bull is used successfully all over the U.S. True Mark is the sire of the $45,000 high selling BHD Zeus bull that has created such a stir in the Charolais industry.

The Ledger bred heifer was their 2nd choice and is an outstanding first calf heifer. She is also a full sister to JDJ Maximo A18 P that sold for $65,000. The same people purchased her. They look forward to adding both of these outstanding heifers to their elite ET programs. Maximo continues to excite breeders all over the U.S. with his calving ease and tremendous eye-appeal and correctness in his calves. A son of Maximo topped the 2017 DeBruycker bull sale at $32,500 to Cliff Redd, Greenswood, SC

For questions about these blood lines, Contact DeBruycker Charolais today!