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Top 7 Reasons to Eat Beef

Mon 09 May, 2011

#1 Beef is packed with nutrition! With iron, zinc and 42% of the recommended daily allowance for protein you can’t go wrong!

#2 You can find beef 90% fat free – now compare that to chicken and turkey! And, we all know it tastes better!

#3 Beef plays a major role in America’s economy – we produce 22% of the world’s beef supply!

#4 You’re supporting family-run operations – 97% of cattle ranchers are family ranchers

#5 And, check this out…87% percent of cattlemen and women have areas that support wildlife population. Plus, 17% of cattle ranchers set aside land specifically for wildlife use.  
#6 92% of land in the United States classified as grazing land is not suitable for growing crops. If it weren't for the cattle on the land, it would have no food value whatsoever.

#7 Beef is quick AND easy to cook; Just toss it on the BBQ or squish it into a hamburger and throw it on a bun – Voila! You’ve got a great tasting American meal in minutes.
With significant nutrition, its important role in the economy, the fact that it is of benefit to the environment, and that it is convenient, really the only question left to ask is, "Why not eat beef?"

Whether you're a big cattle producer or an individual who wants a few animals to put quality meat on your table - contact DeBruycker Charolais. With hundreds of Charolais cattle - bulls and females - to choose from, we have the right Charolais cattle for you.

As reputable Charolais breeders and cattle breeders in the industry, we can offer many references who believe in our Charolais cattle and know that DeBruycker Charolais have stood the test of time.

DeBruycker Charolais
produce Charolais cattle that put the right pounds on in the right areas for your herd – whether you’re an Angus breeder, a Hereford breeder, or other, DeBruycker Charolais cattle will provide the quality you need in your herd and that in return yields high quality beef for your family and program.

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