DeBruycker Charolais latest news...

The Power of Protein in Lean Beef

Wed 23 Feb, 2011

Did you know...?

Protein in beef helps you maintain a healthy metabolism and a healthy body. Studies suggest that the protein in beef may be help prevent many chronic diseases such as type-2 diabetes and osteoporosis.

It’s especially important that young children and older folks get sufficient protein. Children need the high-quality protein, iron and zinc in beef in order to develop their minds AND their bodies. Older adults can benefit from the protein in beef to help prevent loss of muscle mass and strength as they age. Check out our newest YouTube video! Sam Elliot's "Beef It's What's For Dinner". It's entertaining and educating!

We have raised 7 children, 27 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Over the past 49 years, we have sold our cattle to commercial producers, registered cattle producers, and packers all over the world. That's a lot of DeBruycker Charolais beef that has ended up on tables. What does it actually equate to in numbers of cattle sold? Hmmm...good question! Hundreds of thousands?

That's a lot of individuals who believe in our products and know that DeBruycker Charolais have stood the test of time. By producing cattle that put the right pounds on in the right areas(with little waste fat, that equals out to leaner, high quality beef for your family). So, if you're thinking that you'd like to add quality to your herd - whether you're a big cattle producer or an individual who want a few animals to put quality meat on your table - contact us. With hundreds of bulls and females to choose from, we have the right stock for you.

Contact us ANYTIME!! With our bull sale creeping upon us(1st Saturday in April), let us know if you'd like to come a bit early for a tour of our ranch.

Charolais Cattle Producers


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