Teton County 4H Fair
Mon 21 Jul, 2014
Teton County 4-H Fair
Thank you Frontline Ag!
Thank you Frontline Ag for purchasing Samara DeBruyckers 2014 4H steer! It's support like yours that keep the 4-H program going. Thank you so much!
Samara DeBruycker
Samara and Cassidy DeBruycker
Samara and Cassidy DeBruycker showcase 2 DeBruycker Charolais Crossbred Charolais steers at the Teton County 4-H Fair.
Cassidy took grand champion market beef at the Teton County 4H fair with her DeBruycker Charolais Cross steer.
Reegan showcasing her Charolais Cross Steer at the Teton County 4-H Fair.
Samara wins Junior Grand Champion Showmanship. Congratulations Samara!