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DeBruycker Charolais offering Pick of Herd at Sale of Excellence

Sun 24 Apr, 2016

DeBruycker Charolais is offering the 'Pick of the Herd' - Lot number 87 - at the 2016 Sale of Excellence, May 7, 2016  1:00 PM CDT.  It will also be aired on DV Auctions. 

View the Sale of Excellence Catalog

pick of herd sale of excellence

This annual consignment has become a tradition and many of the lots selling are DeBruycker influence.

As Dennis Adams says,

'If you look at all the pick of the herd selections that have taken place since the very first year, you will find many of the cattle that are raised, promoted, and marketed in the Charolais breed, derived from these "Picks".  Obviously you can't go wrong when you are picking from the largest Charolais herd in the world!  And many say one of the best in the breed. 

Most years it's the high selling lot, but still one of the best bargains in the breed when you compare the results breeders get from this purchase. 

Double-H has made several picks, Larry Lehman and Bradley Bracewell, Camp Cooley, Bill & Raye Arlitt, Rick & Cindy Evans, Heath Hyde and Bill Morley (2-picks), and many others will tell you it is one of the most important additions to their herd and one of the best experiences in making the selection. 

They will exclude any of their present donor cows.  If you select a cow with a bull calf at side, they will retain 3/4 interest and full possession of the bull calf.  You will get a full 1/4 semen interest.  They will take the cow to their transplant center, if you choose, and you can take possession of the cow in the fall after calf is weaned.  You get full interest and possession of any heifer calf pair.'

Selection must be made by July 31, 2016.

For more information, please contact Brett at 406.590.3214

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