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Charolais Grand Champion - Fair Time Means Purple Ribbons

Thu 26 Jul, 2012

If you’re like DeBruycker Charolais, you appreciate quality, assurance and recognition for well-bred stock. Especially during county fair time when the validation comes in the form of a trophy at the end of market steer class and the livestock judge announces your project, “Grand Champion!”

With Brigem Dahl at the helm, a DeBruycker Charolais steer received Grand Champion market beef honors at Montana Musselshell County 4-H Fair(July 21, 2012).

Charolais bulls

Brigem Dahl takes a DeBruycker Charolais steer and wins Grand Champion!

What Makes a Champion?
My fascination for the Charolais breed came during my own livestock judging years as a 4-H youth in western Nebraska. I learned earlier to think like a judge and determine the order of the class based on what kind of characteristics of breeding or market stock a well-trained eye would look at in the show ring.

For Bulls:
• Look for well-muscled animals with strong feet and legs portioned to carry its weight.
• Wide muzzle with a strong jaw placement
• Eyes set reasonably wide apart and big ears
• Strong muscular neck and proud looking head
• Long and level back without dips behind the shoulder
• Minimum amount of brisket in the forequarter
• Good wide plates over the hindquarters; depth of second thigh and should be well rounded

For Females:
• Feminine appearance and not heavily muscled.
• A longer, rather than boxy-type head
• Level back and like the bull, minimum brisket in forequarter
• A well-elevated tail for easier calving
• Strong flat-boned legs and sound feet
• Udder for good capacity with well-formed teats for offspring production

You Be The Judge!

Below is a list of Charolais breed shows throughout the United States in August. If you’re in Montana, stop by Montana Fair in Billings and see how you and the livestock judge see “eye to eye”!

August 2012
August 9 — Indiana State Fair Open Charolais Show, Indianapolis, Ind.
August 10 — Illinois State Fair Charolais Show, Springfield, Ill.
August 12 — Missouri State Fair Class A ROE Show, Sedalia, Mo.
August 18 — Iowa State Fair Charolais Show, Des Moines, Iowa.
August 26 — New York State Fair Charolais Show, Syracuse, N.Y.
August 29 — Nebraska State Fair Charolais Show, Grand Island, Neb.
August 30 — South Dakota State Fair Charolais Show, Huron, S.D.

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