Charolais Cows sell for $7500 in Texas
Mon 01 Feb, 2016
BHD DS Rachel Alex W950 ET and MD Ms Cobalt W3099 sold for $7500 each at the January 29 at the Cowtown Cattle Drive Sale in Forth Worth at 3pm in the West Sales Arena during the Ft Worth Livestock Show & Rodeo.

Purchased by Bill & Raye Arlitt, Poteet, TX; Bill McDavid, Easley, SC; Rocking S, Bristow, OK
Purchased by Heath & Kristi Hyde, Sulphur Springs, Tx & Rick & Cindy Evans, Brownwood, TX
For more information on these fine cows, please visit our Charolais News.
The 2016 Cowtown Cattle Drive Sale Report...