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Charolais Cattle Ranching: A Family Tradition

Tue 05 Feb, 2013

Charolais Cattle Ranching

A true Family Tradition at the Bruce and Kelly Martin household!

charolais bull calf

Ledger Martin checks the calves with Grandpa. Newborn charolais calf sired by DeBruycker Charolais bull.


charolais calf

Taking a little time to imprint on this charolais calf!


charolais cattle ranching

Ledger loves spending time with Grandpa, and especially at calving time! Cattle ranching is a true 'Family Tradition'!

Bruce and Kelly Martin and their two sons, Kesler and Cutter, run a commercial cattle operation using DeBruycker Charolais Bulls near Conrad, Montana. Newest addition to the generational family ranch is Ledger Martin, son of Mikel-Jane Martin.

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