DeBruycker Charolais latest news...

Charolais bulls sell world wide

Mon 06 May, 2013

Charolais Bulls sell World wide

From Coast to Coast and Beyond the Borders...Washington to Florida and West Virginia to Texas
Canada and Mexico, DeBruycker Genetics continue to find acceptance among Cattle breeders looking for more Net Profit.

Commercial breeders find solid, reliable Charolais that work in the Real World of the Beef industry.

Whether it be heavier calves for the rancher, more acceptance for “beefy” Charolais for registered breeders, or cattle that feed efficiently in the feedlots, or harvest with any breed at the packers...DeBruyckers have the cattle that have continued to work for over 50 Years in Charolais!

Charolais Bulls

Part of the 30 Bulls sold to West Virginia from the 2013 DeBruycker Charolais Bull Sale

'These Montana bulls have relocated easily to the Hills,' Nancy Masters Sarver

If you would like to increase your Net Profit and get the kind of genetics that appeal tocat tle people in all facets of the industry...give DeBruyckers a call today.

DeBruyckers arrange trucking to customers all over the world - From Coast to Coast and Beyond the Borders.

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