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Charolais Bulls for Sale: Sneak Preview

Tue 05 Feb, 2013

Charolais Bulls for Sale - A Sneak Preview

Make sure to be at Western Livestock Auction April 6, 2013! You won't want to miss this year's 'knock out' Charolais Bull Sale.

charolais bulls for sale

Son of Cobalt S5553. The #4 AICA Trait Leader for Yearling Weight


charolais bulls

Charolais bulls Discussing the bull sale over a drink, 'Which one of you fine website visitors will be bidding on our keen group of Charolais bulls this April?'


charolais bull sale

Large number of uniform groups ready for the 2013 DeBruycker Bull Sale


charolais bulls for sale

Fall Yearling bull sired by CJC Mr President T122.  Several Big, Stout Fall sons of this great sire Sell this April.


charolais bull

A Satisfied Customer: 'I purchased 10 purebred Angus-bred heifers and a bull from a reputable Kansas breeder; at the same time I purchased purebred DeBruycker Charolais bred-heifers and a bull. The Angus heifers look good, but they simply do not compare to the DeBruycker cattle. My wife even says she wishes the Angus would look as good as the DeBruycker Charolais cattle. We appreciate the quality of the DeBruycker cattle.' ~ Jeff Graham, East Dublin, GA

Contact DeBruyckers to find out more about this year's premier Charolais bull sale.

Need help making plans to attend the sale, drop DeBruycker's a note and they'd love to help: Email DeBruycker's

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