DeBruycker Charolais latest news...

Carcass Data

Thu 25 Nov, 2010

DeBruycker Charolais Genetics: What the industry needs

57 head of heifers sired by DeBruycker Charolais bulls

86% choice

81% yield grade 1 & 2's

64% yield

DeBruycker Charolais… Continuing to Raise the Bar!

264 Purebred DeBruycker Cull Heifers carcass data

85% Choice

92%Yield Grade 1’s and 2’s

841 lb ave carcass weight

DeBruycker Charolais sired cattle are all you need.

Calve Easy:  68 Angus X Virgin Heifers bred to a DeBruycker sire, 75% unassisted, average BW of 75.7lbs

Wean Heavy: 800lb steer calves George Higgens of Choteau, MT

Gain Fast: 4.42lbs/day gain on 395 steers at Thier feedlots of Rushmore, MN

Grade: 116 Purebred Cull Heifers – 80% Choice; 83% YG1’s & 2’s; Yield of 64.8%

Yield: 96%1’s and 2’s, calves fed at Chappell Feedlot (84% Choice)

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