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Blogs from : Sep, 2015

Grass vs Grain Fed Cattle: Can You Taste The Difference?

Wed 23 Sep, 2015

“You are what you eat” This is a phrase uttered by skeptical foodies worldwide who are concerned with the eating habits of the standard American diet. However, as annoyed as we may be with this motto, we have to admit it’s slightly true. Super Size Me star, Morgan Spurlock, essentially turned into a gelatinous glob after eating stacks of... read more on Grass vs Grain Fed Cattle: Can You Taste The Difference?

This Farm is Giving a New Purpose to Children & Animals

Fri 04 Sep, 2015
TAGS: charolais cattle, disney, farm, cows

One of the greatest Disney movies ever created showcases the immense power that love can create, and I am not talking about that kind of love of being rescued by a prince from a tower. The beauty of true, divine love, friendship, and compassion is literally represented in both figures in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. Bell, a misunderstood and overlooked scholar... read more on This Farm is Giving a New Purpose to Children & Animals

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