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Why is the Charolais Breed Popular in Crossbreeding Programs?

Tue 28 Jul, 2020

If you’re wondering which cattle breed is good for crossbreeding, the Charolais breed of cattle is popular in crossbreeding programs for many reasons.

Crossbred calves bred from Charolais sires are hailed as successful and healthy, with high growth rates, and they often do well in contributing to commercial herds, too.

Desirable qualities of Charolais crossbreds

Quality genetics and herd uniformity

While you’ll find some breeders dabbling in various cattle fads, the long-time DeBruycker Charolais family business motto goes:

“Just facts, not fads”

Following these cattle breeding words of wisdom has resulted in top-quality genetics and herd uniformity – both desirable qualities for cattle breeders in Montana and around the world.

You ‘herd’ it here first:
Do you think your land’s not good enough for cattle? Read this…
Read more on the DeBruycker story and find out how it all began in 1933

TAGS: breeding, crossbreeding, genetics

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