DeBruycker Charolais Bull Reviews
Sun 20 Mar, 2022
With the annual bull sale happening soon, we bring you some of our loyal customers’ DeBruycker Charolais bull reviews.
Reviews of DeBruycker Charolais bulls
Over the past six decades, we’ve striven to bring you the best Charolais bulls in the United States.
Our family thanks everyone from all over the country who travels to Montana each year to attend our annual Charolais bull sale.

We value and appreciate each and every person who attends, whether bidding, buying or just supporting!
Here’s how to get your copy of the 2022 DeBruycker Charolais bull sale catalog.
It really means a lot that you take the time to write reviews on DeBruycker Charolais bulls and it helps other prospective buyers who are perhaps new to our family business understand how hard we work to bring you the best Charolais bulls in the United States.
Read just some of our satisfied customers’ DeBruycker Charolais bull reviews here:
“Bought bulls from DeBruycker Charolais for several years now. They’ve added pounds and dollars to my calves. Good bulls and good people!” G.D., Texas
"I bought one of your bulls: But how many did I buy? 16 years'-worth! Bred 415 Cows a year. 100% Debruycker Charolais bulls, topped the market on Superior Livestock every year, hands down they're the best bulls in the industry." P.W., Montana
“Our bulls arrived in great shape. Thank you for sending us such a fine set of them. Your bulls are improving our herd in all aspects. We used two of your bulls on 42 virgin heifers last year and got along great. It is a pleasure doing business with you.” – L.F. and K.F., Oregon
“The original trip we made to Montana, we bought DeBruycker Charolais bulls and we’ve been hooked on those bulls ever since.” – J.F., Nevada
"We've done business with the DeBruycker family now for 25 years. The quality of their Charolais bulls is so progressive as they accelerate the genetics each and every year. The quality is also extremely high and second-to-none. They have a bull to fit everyone's needs and will improve production in all herds. Moreover, the DeBruyckers sincerely show their appreciation to all customers. This is not only a business relationship, but a friendship that lasts. Thank you DeBruyckers – you have a class operation and are a credit to the industry." - N.M S.M., United States
“Them bulls will put an extra rib on your calves!” – J.V.R. Nevada
“Thanks again for the beautiful bulls. They have proven to us over seven years that they are the best and produce great results. We appreciate your family's commitment to excellence.” B.S. N.S., W. Virginia
"I've been buying bulls from the DeBruycker Family since 2000 and I've always been able to find the bulls that fit our program. I’ve run these bulls in southeastern Idaho, Montana and Nevada where there are wide and varied range conditions. DeBruycker bulls have been very good to adapt quickly to all these different environments – they are hard working and hold up. We get an honest number of years of active breeding and they feed very well on a salvage program. We feed the calves from these bulls and are very happy with the performance that DeBruycker bulls give us in our feeding operation." K.S., Nevada
"What a tremendous set of bulls, possibly the best I have viewed! I'm very impressed with the stoutness of the bulls, yet they're still very clean and smooth through the front, head and shoulders; all indicators of calving ease. The bulls are long-bodied and clean through the middle, which equates to bulls that will perform well in the pasture and will also sire calves that will perform in the feedlot. Have a great sale!" T.K., United States
"I've been sitting in cattle sales all my life and I've never been to a sale where the bulls at the end are as good as they are in the beginning! These DeBruycker bulls are as good as any I've seen." J.P., Arkansas
Bought A Bull? Share Your Experience!
Write your DeBruycker Charolais bull review today and share with others your thoughts about our bulls, the annual sale and whatever else you wish!
The DeBruycker Charolais annual bull sale will take place on 2 April, 2022 at Western Livestock Auction, Great Falls Montana.
Can’t attend the sale? Here’s how you can participate as an absentee buyer.
TAGS: bull sale, reviews, testimonials