DeBruycker Charolais latest news...

Charolais Cross Calves, Arizona Ranch

Tue 27 Feb, 2018

Photos from Vera Earl Ranch in Sonoita, Arizona

Thank you Ian Tomlinson for your support and confidence in our program! And thank you for the wonderful tour of your ranch and surrounding area.

charolais cross calves

Cows are first calf females called “Super Baldy’s” consisting of...
1/8 Brahman
1/2 Hereford
3/8 Angus

Bred for their first calf to a DeBruycker Charolais bull.

charolais cross calves


charolais cross calves


charolais cross calf


charolais cross heifer

Same model of heifer - just different coloring.

TAGS: brahman, hereford, angus, charolais cross calf, vera earl ranch, arizona

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