DeBruycker Charolais latest news...

American Charolais Association awards DeBruycker Charolais

Fri 27 Jan, 2017

American Charolais Association! Thank you so much for your most recent award to DeBruycker Charolais for 'Top in Registrations for area 1' for 2016.

We just received the following note...


You will be recognized at the Awards Ceremony, Monday, March 27, 2017, during the Annual Membership Meeting, at the Holiday Inn Downtown Marina, Corpus Christi, Texas.

The American-International Charolais Association hopes you will be able to be in Corpus Christi, Texas, to accept your award. 

american charolais assiciation

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TAGS: american charolais association, 2016 awards, top 1 in registration

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