Buy DeBruycker Female Cattle

DeBruycker Charolais supplies reliable, productive and efficient females with genetics that are more than a terminal cross. Our females are bred for excellent udder quality, mothering ability and fertility – all necessary for having a top quality herd of any breed. DeBruycker females maintain femininity while being well-muscled with running-age females typically weighing around 1400 pounds.

DeBruycker Charolais cows are easy calvers and boast fine maternal instincts. Their ability to travel, handle extreme weather conditions, and raise impressive calves has drawn special praise from our customers. The off-spring from DeBruycker genetics grow vigorously at their mother’s side on just grass and milk, thus cost-effectively adding pounds to your herd.

DeBruyckers have built their herd over the last 45 years from its initial 12 head of heifers to their present purebred Charolais herd of approximately 2000 producing mother cows. Each year, DeBruyckers turn over their cowherd with about 20% new heifers, aggressively culling their cowherd to maintain only the best quality genetics for uniformity and performance.

DeBruycker Charolais Females: Shaped for Growth and Performance

  • Uniform in size and phenotype
  • Feminine yet well-muscled
  • Ideal udder quality and teat size for milk production
  • Sound structure - Correctness of feet and legs
  • Easy calvers
  • Maternal & Fertile

The thing I like most about DeBruycker Bulls is they put a lot of pounds in a nice even package.

Lane Yeager
Choteau, MT

DeBruycker Charolais females are excellent mothers.


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©2010-2025 DeBruycker Charolais