Charolais Females sell to Rancho Los Pinos
Tue 14 May, 2013
Charolais Females sell to Rancho Los Pinos

Photo above: A beautiful shot looking down into pasture from the ranch's headquarters.
We were fortunate to spend the day with Bill Pendergrass(currently working with Rio Ranch, owned by Rafael Ortega) but who occasionally assists Rancho Los Pinos(Hempstead, TX) with their ranching operation. Salvador Ortega, owner of Rancho Los Pinos, recently purchased 3 loads of DeBruycker Charolais Females at Christmas in 2012.
Rancho Los Pinos added several of the DeBruycker Charolais females to their ET program and now have about 200 head registered Charolais females. All of the females are first and 2nd calf heifers.

On Right: A Reality Heifer

X253, A maternal sibling to 2013 President son. A Curlin daughter.


Have questions about Charolais Bulls, Semen or Charolais Bred Heifers, contact DeBruyckers today!