Charolais Bull Sale - Buy this bull 1st Saturday in April
Wed 04 Apr, 2012
Bid on this bull this Saturday, April 7th - Owned by Kesler DeBruycker Martin
Lot 376
82 pound birth weight
0.6 Birthweight EPD

Group of Kesler DeBruycker Martin's Charolais bulls. Taken early March.
Bid on any one of these Charolais bulls at the upcoming sale.
The selection of these Charolais bulls are owned by Bruce Martin, Kessler Martin and Cutter Martin in conjunction with DeBruycker Charolais.

Note from Kesler Martin (son of Bruce and Kelly Martin)...
We have been breeding to DeBruycker Charoais Bulls for as long as I can remember. We run about approximately 140, 1250lb black/black baldy cows each year and breed them to DeBruycker bulls. We purchase 15 black baldy replacement heifers each year and AI those heifers to DeBruycker bulls as well.
We breed our cattle to bulls that perform and have eye appeal; we don't worry about EPD's when selecting DeBruycker Bulls, there isn't a bull of theirs we have ever come across that has given us any trouble.
All our Charolais cross calves are vigorous and very rarely need assisted nursing.
The bulls we have are two LHD Cigar E46 grandsons and, three CJC Trademark H45 sons and grandson.
Our operation consists of my father and some help from myself (who has school, and many extra curricular activities) with no outside help, and that is due to the fact of easy calving and vigorous born calves.
We bred our heifers to a new DeBruycker Bull BHD Zen, whose calves averaged 78lbs at birth this year and at about a month old are now showing to be calves that will perform for feeders.
Preg-testing in the fall of 2011 we had 1 of our 126 cows open - and that to me is a direct response from easy calving, cows that have little stress at calving, and get bred right back just a few months later.
Our Charolais Cross calf birth weight average is about 84lbs. We wean off our calves in October with steers weighing about 715 pounds and heifers 670 pounds with few cull calves if any.
DeBruycker Bulls add pounds to your bottom line and give you such an even set of calves in the fall to market which adds more profit for ranchers.
Quick Note...
Kesler has a passion for cattle and for Charolais bulls and it radiates from him. His love of the cattle industry will excite you - Make sure to find Kesler at the sale and he'll personally take you through his pen of Charolais bulls and answer any questions for you.